Recognize your emotions and how they influence your actions.

Stay calm under stressful situations and manage conflicts.

Empathize, listen, and motivate people.

These are vital skills in the workplace, yet they were never part of our curriculums.

It’s not too late to learn.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability to recognize, evaluate, and regulate our emotions. EQ enables us to pause and assess feelings as they come up, identify how they influence our actions, and understand the impact they have on others.

High levels of EQ in the workplace can help us stay calm under pressure, effectively manage conflict, empathize and listen to others, understand what motivates people, and align our work with our personal purpose.

VaWi Consulting Offerings


Individual workshops including topics like managing conflict, giving feedback, and actively listening.

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The EQ Kit

The EQ Kit develops the five EQ skills: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

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Storytelling through lived experiences on topics like LGBTQ+ history, gender, and neurodiversity.

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